Sunday, 13 October 2013

Artemisia Absinthium Absinthe

Alcohol, we all know what it is. We all know what it does, we all know how it works and we all know how much it can get to us. No one knows how or when this devil was created, presumably the result of an accident that occured very long back. 

Partying is meraki for many, going with friends, getting drunk, going mad and waking up in the morning with the worst hangover. Oh not to mention post a billion photos on Instagram and a status on Facebook saying how much fun the night was although not many parts of it is remembered. 

Alcohol, is taken as a light subject with the young generation. It's a part of exploration, it's how we learn to have fun, and it's what the cool people do. Alcohol, is apparently a passing phase that you are bound to go through when you succumb to peer pressure. Yes, that's what they all say. Until drinking for the "coolness" of it becomes drinking for pleasure then becomes drinking for sanctuary and finally drinking for very survival. 

Alcohol on it's own isn't that much of a troublemaker, not unless addiction comes in unison to form this unbeatable force of evil that ruins jobs, studies, families, friendships and life as a whole. It can come in like the sly fox it is, slowly creepy into your system like a deadly virus and lodge itself with a firm grip. Then you become it's submissive, you yearn for more of it as it's affect releases you from the choke hold of reality. Or so you think, the high gives you courage to do thinks you wouldn't even have thought of for a jiffy. It gives you a state of euphoria that damages everyone and everything else around you. Then, that becomes the only reason why you live. Every single move in your day is an excuse to relish in it's solace. You find reasons, you are desperate for incentives and before you know it, your world is on self - destruct mode. You brought this onto yourself. 
You paid for the bottle that made you drink till you sweat out liqour, you were sober when you started drinking, you forgot about your family, you forgot about their feelings. You crave for their attention with your vivacity and the chaos you're making. But they chose to ignroe you. 
You realize you're slowly dying a slow death. You lost your friends, you lost your family, you lost all hope and you miss love. With nothing other than that bottle that started this wreckage to accompany you, you tread in a slow pace hoping for a last chance to take it all back and start fresh and clean. But no, you're almost there, you've almost reached your final resting place. I guess it's too late now, you shouldn't have turned the deaf ear to concerned advices, you shouldn't have raised your voice against caring actions, you should have listened for your own good after all.