Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Wakey Wakey India!

It's become a  new trend now hasn't it? To write in great sympathy about how men are ruthless. I'm not to judge since, well I wrote quite extensively as well about the brutality. But then I realized, rape is nothing new, it has been happening for a long time, just a little more low key.

But one girl's death, sparked a rage. With I think is now just turning into a plague which makes everyone weary. Articles, workshops, videos, Facebook posts and tweets and obviously blogs. And the news papers is what beleaguers me, every other headline 'Girl raped, woman murdered, la la la' what a piss off. These people should really start a whole column for rape and crimes against women, so I could just skip it all together. Being the good little media, they often tend to circumvent the real reasons behind it, 'just for the entertainment of their readers'.

Why do they do this? And why is it that now it's even more ostentatious? Uh. And giving fuel to the fire, we have men doing this even more! Incest, pedophillic, and other gruesome things. These things give me borborygmi and it's not because of the food. (that's a funny word right? borborygmus, *tehehe*)

Anyhow, you know what really bothers me is that,t it cost a girl's life for the nation to rub it's eyes and see what's happened. And that's what caused the fire, she was the spark many will salute her for making the nation wake up. But I wonder, will it always be like this? In order for people to finally wake up, is it necessary that one or more lives are at stake? Is that how we will finally have conclusions? 
(God forbid) Only when the Prime Minister gets caught for some scandal that we'll really take any action against the bogusness of his past? Why is it that way? 

It takes some real serious misdeeds and losses of lives for people to really be affected. Not one or two austere people wouldn't save the country. Even if they betted their whole lives. It takes millions. 
And how do we do that? Not by blaming the government (however true) about how they don't do what they ought to, because hey! we are also to be a part of the game, because it's the majority of us that chose those people to govern us. 
So, I being just another kid, can't change the world. Why don't we form organisations, and teach those who can't afford to be taught, help those who can't help themselves and pray for everyone?

As high in expectations this is, I know our country will one day become the best. We've just got to work towards that and keep faith in each other! 

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