Friday, 22 February 2013

Odiferous Beings.

Having food in your teeth is embarrassment beyond words when you are grinning at a person and having a ball of a time. The person doesn't want to be rude, so doesn't mention the little black peeping tom in your teeth, but they can't help but stare at the disturbance. And when finally when you do realize that you had a "friend" sticking around all the while, all you can do is turn beetroot red and mega facepalm. 

You know what sucks even more? When you smell like a zombie that had it's coffin stuffed with rotten eggs, in a gutter near a fish market. Okay, that was a little too much. What I mean to say is, smelling bad is one of the biggest turn offs ever intended by nature. Before I begin, let me just explain the whole phenomenon of stinking really bad after sweating in buckets. 
Firstly, the reason why we sweat is to cool our bodies. The warmer we are, the higher are body temperature so the more we sweat. There are two kinds of sweat glands. One which is there all over your body, which only releases salty water sweat, this is the Good Guy Sweat Gland, so he doesn't stink. Now, every story needs a villain, and in our biological story, it's the Meanie Sweat Gland which produces oily sweat which is  more concentrated in the armpits,scalp and the genital area. He himself, is evil, but not as much, because every evil villain is better off with an accomplice, the bacteria loves eating this sweat. Here's a creepy fact, there always is bacteria in your armpits, but they don't smell. (Like human beings, the fattier food the more pungent "gaseous waste".) The smell, is the waste produced by the bacteria after eating your oily sweat. Basically, it's just bacteria farts. 

Everyone has those times when we sweat by buckets, and yes, you should be stinking. But the catch, is when, some people realize this and they dash for the bathrooms, while others don't. That's what is causing me to write this post in the first place. 

Like bad hair days, we have stinky days, when you think you're stinking a little more than average. That's why the world has created deodorants, colognes, perfumes. SO THAT YOU SMELL GOOD. Please don't be afraid to go ahead and  use one. And for us teenagers, puberty is a hag. We smell like decaying onions even when you do absolutely nothing, so don't forget to carry a little handy cologne or anything good. 

Ah, then we have the case of the bad breath. When you're conversing with someone and you realize they're looking a little too uncomfortable, they're scratching their noses and looking at your mouth. You can narrow it down to two conclusions:
a) They are bored as hell. 
b) Your mouth is stiiiiiinking!

Bad breath comes with bad brushing habits and empty stomachs. Remember to brush twice day, (or once more if you seem to smell like a drainage) and carry around a box of mints. Otherwise, God bless you child, not many would like to engage in a conversation with you. 

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