I came across this post on #9Gag, that spoke about the universe being a single atom, the sun its nucleus, the planets its electrons and neutrons and we are all sub atomic particles. It ended with "as above so below, right?"
Although this theory is scientifically incorrect, given there are a hundred million stars, and more galaxies. It really messes with your brain. When you think your city is big, think about how tiny this planet is.
I have this rather annoying habit of being lost in thoughts of the universe in its grandest form. And I float in my head, just like a stray planet. With no particular meaning or aim, but still existing anyway. These thoughts do nothing but screw around with your thought process. You start feeling insignificant and you really wonder what your purpose is.
When your ego inflates to a point where you can start floating like Aunt Marge in Harry Potter, remember, the Universe does not really care. It's too big for that. That ought to do the trick, it's like a pin to your balloon. These thoughts are terrifying, they really make you ponder why you're even alive.
There are people in my neighborhood that do not know of me! Forget the city, state, country, continent and planet. How am I to make a dent in the Universe if the Universe itself is just a single part of the multiverse?
Long story short, we are all too insignificant to really make an impact.
And just when I feel as pointless as the first loaf of bread, I remember.
There is a whole universe inside me, every organ is made up of tissues, which in turn is a cell and that gets further divided into tinier things I do not know of. So what if, those things started thinking they were pointless and they stopped working? I would stop working too.
That's how I make myself feel better.
We make our own Universes, we can include whatever we like and let the rest happen. Ours can be as widespread and grand as we please, or as small and compact as we like. And in our Universe, we make differences,
We let the good energies flow in and let the bad ones get out. Like the big one, ours too is always expanding. But it is up to us to make it starry and wondrous with happiness and love or to make it bleak and dim with toxic worry and hatred.
And once our Universes have been impacted, maybe just like the body, the larger picture too feels the ripples of the impact.
After all, as above so below, right?
Just what I needed. Thanks. Keep writing. :)