Monday, 14 August 2017


When you're in a relationship, you're equal partners, not another person's bitch. You should not be giving up self respect and dignity in exchange for love. That's not how it's supposed to work. Everyone says what it is supposed to be, people more often than not forget to mention what it isn't. 
It isn't about letting go of your identity. 
It isn't about letting yourself be disrespected just for the sake of all the emotions you've invested. 
Will there be a few hiccups? That's only natural.  But when you have to fight to be respected; then its more than a hiccup, it's a virus and it has to be gotten rid of. 
No boy/girl is worth sacrificing your sense of identity.
If they can't respect who you are and what boundaries you set, that person is a bad idea to be attached to. 
You can't hope for things to be better when all that they've proven to you is that this is how they are in the core of the being. 

That's like sticking around in the desert in the hopes of a summer rain. Possible but highly unlikely. 

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